Common plumbing code violations

On Behalf of | May 21, 2020 | Construction Code Violations |

Whether building a new home or doing a remodel, following the proper codes for plumbing systems is important. Doing so not only improves the efficiency of the system but also protects everyone’s safety and health.

Plumbing codes can be complex, and even professional contractors can make a mistake or cut corners. Certain code violations are more common than others.

Toilet space

According to, there is a required minimum distance between the finished wall and the toilet. This is a common violation because the plumber usually places the toilet before the hanging of the drywall, and often the extra thickness of the drywall is not taken into account.

Cleanout issues

The cleanout is the access port for maintenance such as releasing a clog. The size of the system determines the number of cleanouts, and their location should be a maximum of 100 feet apart from each other. A common violation is that there are not enough cleanouts for the system.

The placement of cleanouts is also important. A common code violation is that there is limited access to them because they are behind machinery, cabinets or other critical spaces.

Improper slope

According to Better Homes and Gardens, a common plumbing code violation is that drainpipes are not at the correct slope. The placement must allow for gravity to empty the water into the sewer, and standard slope practices prevent a slow drainage or leaks.

Improper fittings

Different fixtures require certain fittings. For example, if there is a change of direction, the fitting must not interfere or obstruct the flow.

Lack of shutoff valves

Depending on the space, a house may require multiple shutoff valves in addition to the main one. Shutoff valves are also necessary for each toilet and faucet.

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